Saturday, February 6, 2010

Racial Harmony

(Pic of Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia)

Racial Harmony in Malaysia is really something to behold. Especially when given the examples how we celebrate each races celebrations with unity. Exclusively to Malaysia would be the subject of open houses. Whether we would be celebrating Hari Raya (for the Malays), Chinese New Year (for the Chinese of course), Deepavali (For the Indians) or be it any other festivity, open houses will be held. What makes it more interesting is that sometimes these festivals actually are celebrated during the same date. This is interesting as I have only experienced this phenomenon in Malaysia where celebrations get united together.


: Chinese New Years + Hari Raya = Gong XI Raya

:Deepavali + Hari Raya = Deeparaya

The reason why this could happen is because the muslims don’t follow the standard calendars like the other celebrations. That’s why sometimes the dates would clash to make a united celebration.

Since Malaysia is a country of many races, this also means that each of them would embrace different religions. Some of which would be Christianity, Islam, Hinduism , Buddhism just to name a few; and as a result of all this , racial unity prevails through all the celebrated festivities.

For that reason, it is common to see citizens of different races and religions under on roof enjoying each others company without any discrimination towards one another. Also what I personally find interesting is how each race in Malaysia has shared so many things with each other. Food is the best example; the varieties of foods are endless in Malaysia since there are so many races. What makes Malaysia out of the ordinary is the fact that each race has a personal favorite of another races food.

I have a friend whom is Chinese and his grown to love the Malays delicacy which is “Nasi Lemak”. I myself have fallen in love with the all time Chinese delicacy which is “Dim Sum”(Nasi Lemak Left Dim Sum Right)

So how does Malaysia manage to grow Racial Harmony between its many races? To me one of the important ingredients to achieve that would be tolerance amongst the races. That of course, would be mentioned in my next entry.

Till then, Have a lil bit of Fiz

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