Sunday, February 21, 2010


Stating the obvious, the Chinese New Year festival was a blast. Reunion dinners, ang pows , and of course the booze and gambling. Funny thing though, all that would have been better if I actually celebrated it personally. Those are just my friends brief descriptions of what my friend actually did for his Chinese New year celebration. However I am here to share an experience of festivals. Not just one but a few which have become festivals because people made it one. Happy people, celebration, music, smiles, to me that’s a festival not just religious beliefs but instead anything that could make someone celebrate and have a good time.

Scary? Where am I

Arrived in front of a warehouse, first thing that caught ones mind would be “where the hell am I.” First off all it was not a nice looking warehouse looked pretty rundown. However what made me feel at ease was the existence of cars and people queuing by the dozens. Skipping all the boring details we got into the warehouse, I asked my friend why did he drag me all the way to a warehouse god knows where claiming just to go out for a drink. So we walked through a tunnel and all a sudden BOOM!!!!!!! The music was loud and pumping and it was crazyyyyyy in there. There were floating skeletons, graveyards, and Captain America???? Shouting at my friend (it was too loud inside, so yes shouting!!) What is all this?? He just goes “Halloween bro Halloween”. I am not ignorant I know what Halloween is; it’s just that I never celebrated it. So words of advice to my fellow readers go for Halloween parties it’s the only time where u can dress up and you don’t get frowned upon. By the way that night, I actually had to explain why I was dressed up normally. My verdict of that night would be awesome simply awesome. I had a great time, the music was good and it was funny to see Madonna make out with superman.

Lights + Lasers + Music + DJ = Euphoric People
If my eardrums had a mouth they would be begging for mercy. The lights are crazy the lasers are awesome and the music….. BANGING! Not talking about the average loudness of music, but have you ever experienced music so soo SOO loud that your heart feels like jumping out of your body. Even if you actually stood still you somehow magically move just from the vibrations of the sound. Imagine you had a bomb, take some glue, and stick it to your ears light that bomb up and tadaaaa you get the idea. Most people call this festival a rave festival. It’s when a group of Dj’s come down play some music and people appreciate the sound it’s that simple. The best part is sometimes there is no real reason to have a rave and because of that, I love this festival.


Zzzzzzngggggg znnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg znnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg
If you actually had to wink you would miss what passed by…..Formula 1 is here!!!! ( F1 for short). F1 is one of the biggest race festivals known to the world. Beautiful pit girls posing beside exotic cars….It feel as though I died and went to heaven. The awesome part of this festival is of course the actual race. Cars that accelerate 0 – 100kmh in 2 seconds!!! God damn that’s like going 1…2… and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznggg you are at the end of a football field. That’s its pure simplicity, girls, fast cars and isn’t that the perfect heaven for must guys?

(Take note that the safety car which is the silver mercedes in the front of the other F1 cars was out, the cars were actually going slower due to that reason.)

In conclusion to me anything can be a festival, it just depends what the occasion is and what you make out of it. The above are just some of my personal experiences with festivals, but just as long as you are having a good time thats what matters most.
Till then my fellow readers have a lil bit of fiz.

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