Saturday, February 13, 2010

Animal Rights Part 2 – Are we Human? Or are We Monsters?

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Just to be special,
We are consumed as a meal,
Why such an appeal,

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Its cold and I wait,
For a man to consume me,
Take away the pain,

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We call them human
But monsters is what they are
such pain for a meal.

Written By Muhammad Hafiz

Looking at these pictures bring such horrors to my mind. Hence the title “Are We Human? Or are we monsters? We call ourselves the superior race; we say that humans can feel remorse and pity. However is that really true? Just to look better then another human we are willing to be cruel. Without noticing our greed and ignorance, we have brought ourselves to become monsters. How can we actually call ourselves humans anymore when we are willing to kill for our own self satisfaction instead of survival?

We all eat other animals, and other animals eat other animals. It’s the normal circle of life and we can accept that. We farm animals and then we consume them as meat such as poultry and beef. We could excuse ourselves for doing that because we do need to consume to survive. Also most of the animals would be slaughtered accordingly. Even in some religions we were thought to slaughter them before consuming them. However can we excuse ourselves when we choose to be cruel just because we think something tastes better?

Do we actually need to eat something while it’s still alive? I believe that some people choose to actually be cruel. These people have the need and want to believe that they are better then animals and other human beings. I say this because they have already made a decision in their own minds that they are above everything. Therefore I think people who just consume animals with such carnage and cruelty are no better then monsters.

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How about the people who live for fashion? Fashion to me has its good and it’s bad. When we get to look good sometimes it gives us confidence. We only need clothes to protect us from the elements; however fashion does help us look good. Although fashion in the end is decided by us, to me beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you feel good, you look good. However that would be my own opinion, everyone in the end has their own. Take a moment and think; do we need to look good in animal fur? Fashion is governed by us we control fashion and because of that we actually have no excuse to wear fur. We already live in buildings hence we are already sheltered from the elements. Apart from that we also have so many alternatives to fur. So the big question is, we control fashion, we created fashion, we are sheltered from the elements, but there are still monsters wearing fur.

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Why why why why why! These monsters have no respect for other creatures; their vanity and ego are just too big. These monsters need to realize that we share this planet with animals. The funny solution would be to make such a fashion hype to wear human skin on top one’s own skin. Would another human then be so cruel to actually wear another person’s skin on another? I don’t believe that we would, therefore the solution is to believe and know that animals do have rights. They are nearly the same as us, they have children, they feel pain, and they get scared. Remember don’t treat other’s they way you don’t want to be treated and that goes for animals as well.

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