Sunday, February 7, 2010

Racial Harmony Part 2

Back again, this time with the second part of my views on racial harmony in our beloved country Malaysia and the world. I mentioned previously one of the important ingredients to achieve racial harmony would be tolerance amongst the races. Reason being is because we will be able to learn more from each other. Rather then discriminating each other we should learn to accept our differences and views. As quoted by Martin Luther King “Lukewarm acceptance is more bewildering than outright rejection”.

And by successfully doing all that, Malaysia has managed to achieve racial harmony. Here are some experiences I have of it:

Back in the past there have been schools which segregate each race from another. Not to say it does not exist anymore, it’s just that its evident, more institutes nowadays caters for all races. Also it is common to see another race in another race’s school nowadays. Take note however, that even though a school targeted for a specific race exists; it is not because of racism. The reason is simply because they would probably be teaching with another races mother tongue.

With racial harmony it is now common to see the younger generation socializing with multiple races. Unlike in the past there could have been a high chance that most parents would have condemned it.

The way we think on sports even has changed due to racial harmony. The best example to me personally would be when bobsledding was a white mans sport. Until 1988 when the first Jamaican bobsled team made their debut. This shows that sports has also evolved and learnt to accept other races. Not just in Malaysia of course but the whole world.

Last but not least it is now ever so common to have a best friend who’s not of the same color or race. That was made possible just by accepting each other as people. Rather then looking at someone’s skin color and criticizing their differences, we learn that skin deep we are all the same and we have so much to offer each other.

This is a short video i made which consists of Racial Harmony in Malaysia:
Racial Harmony Video

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