Saturday, February 13, 2010

Animal Rights Part 1 – The little Ray of Light

A ray of sunlight touched my skin, I felt the warmth and slowly woke up from my sleep. It was such a pleasant surprise to feel that warmth after spending a whole night in a dark damp room. Alas that is actually the highlight of the day for me; it saddens me to know I have nothing else to look forward to in the day. My name? I never had one, neither have I ever felt the love of a mother. I only like to think that the others that live here with me are my brothers and sisters. However its only safe to assume that even thought we look alike we are not from the same mother. I hear that usual sound of something scratching on the roof of my house and chirping. Curiosity always got me; I always wondered what made that sound just a few feet above my head. All a sudden without a warning I got bitten by one of my brothers. This is not unusual to me especially when were not even a foot a way from each other. To make matters worse he was nearly twice my size and I know for a fact he has not had his lunch. I just had to ask him why the aggression.Just for the sake of convenience his name is Jack.

Me: Okay Jack what's the problem??

Jack: what's the problem??
i haven't got a problem,
I've got fxxxxg problems
Plural!! wanna hear??

Me: Sure

Jack: well most recently there's a scary Mexican gangster dude poking his finger in my chest.
There’s his hooligan kids’ snapping their fingers at me.
There’s putrid rotting corps of a dead rabbit stuffed in the springs of the bed
There are rooms blazing of fire...
There’s a big fat needle from god-knows-where stuck in my leg infecting me with god-knows-what...
And finally, there's me, walking out the door, right fxxxxxg now.....adios!

Welcome to my world, never a hint of love but all the hate. My purpose to live was to die for human vanity. However I was not going to walk that path, no way will I die without a purpose. That day was the day when it started off with a ray of sunlight, and ending with my freedom. All this was made possible when I followed jack right out the door he made secretly.

Before we left I managed to take some pictures of Jack and the place I used to live in:

(pic from

This would be Jack ever so brave, though looking behind those eyes i felt his fear of the Gangster dude.

(Pic from

Jack and myself actually used to live here. Looking back in the past i cant believe that we lived in such conditions.


"There’s putrid rotting corps of a dead rabbit stuffed in the springs of the bed" as mentioned by Jack.

Now thinking back again and again. I felt that it was unfair that i was treated as such. Was it really fair for me to live in those conditions only to die for Human Vanity? If it was a human in the cage would they so willingly die for another's vanity? I felt i did the right thing for myself when i escaped. MY OWN FREEDOM! MY OWN LIBERATION! I am not an item, I have my rights! I am a Mink and i have ANIMAL RIGHTS!

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