Sunday, January 31, 2010

College Life

Initiating the day

Its been a while that I actually have to wake up and see the blinding sunlight and realize that I am yet again involved in the rat race. Nevertheless who cares when you are just too psyched to meet new friends and start college, to me it feels like being reborn as everything is new. Woke up got ready to go and I remembered about that small talk I had with my friend the previous night. It was regarding that 15 minute rule. I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.

For Example: you have to be in college at 9am

if you leave at 8.15am you will most likely arrive at 9am.

However if you leave at 8am you will arrive at 8.15am.

In conclusion its wake up early and wait in college versus sleep in for 15 minutes and get stuck in a jam for 45 minutes (well this is considering you live 15 minutes from college of course). Well I decided to wake up at 8am, just too excited to get to college . Plus i really Hate getting stuck in the traffic jam.

First Hand Experience

Skipping all the boring details on the way to college, I arrived just as the orientation started (I actually got lost in the college). To my surprise there were no clique's like the first college I was previously in (yes I used to study business in Kolej Damansara Utama). Hmmm so its not always the same, I guess the guy who quoted “every experience is a new one” knew what he was talking about. First things first of course, I started make some friends; to my surprise it was unbelievably easy. Remember this was just an orientation and on the first day as well. However not to brag, the few friends I got to know first were all girls, and as a guy you would feel swollen with pride if you are the only guy amongst four beautiful girls.

Enjoying it and Taking it in

From then on everything was a breeze for my new friends and myself from the normal paying your fees , finding out where to eat, registering your subjects and all the “have to do and will do things” in college.In any case let’s fast forward to the part where things get interesting. That would be orientation night, where everyone dresses up and supposedly everything goes wild. This is the only time when the entire new intakes meet up for an actual party and forget the formalities of the initial orientation on the first day. On that very night I also got to meet more new friends . It also seems that everyone was getting to know each other all over again and sharing each others experiences before they entered college. Soon enough some of the refreshments got served, nothing fancy just some fried foods and some noodles. After enjoying what was served i realized that I had some time left while awaiting for the next event.Lucky for me moments after i was invited by my new friends to join them outside the hall ( thank god i thought i would get bored to death). Reason being it was just much easier to talk outside as it was quieter. It was then it dawned to me that, we were all just kids who are growing up and as of now we were all creating a bond with each other. In my thoughts I was thinking, “that we are all now comrades here to achieve one goal which is to finish and complete our diploma”. At the same time we were all realizing that this is it, college has started and it brings us one more step closer to adulthood and soon enough working life……..Comrades Lets do this!

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