Friday, May 24, 2013

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing (Link)

Cloud computing is all the rage. "It's become the phrase du jour," says Gartner senior analyst Ben Pring, echoing many of his peers. The problem is that (as with Web 2.0) everyone seems to have a different definition.

As a metaphor for the Internet, "the cloud" is a familiar cliché, but when combined with "computing," the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. Others go very broad, arguing anything you consume outside the firewall is "in the cloud," including conventional outsourcing.

Perhaps the biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy. The idea of handing over important data to another company worries some people. Corporate executives might hesitate to take advantage of a cloud computing system because they can't keep their company's information under lock and key.

Privacy is another matter. If a client can log in from any location to access data and applications, it's possible the client's privacy could be compromised. Cloud computing companies will need to find ways to protect client privacy.

However i think cloud computing could be a whole new way we could connect to each other. It does bring a whole new meaning to limitless boundaries. 

Which makes me wonder though how would censorship evolve to adapt to cloud computing?

Personally i think cloud computing would be the way to of how we use our computers in the future, the idea is pretty simple instead of everyone having a specific program for an individual use everybody shares them.

BUT WHAT HAPPENS? if the governments take control or decide to shut down a specific program which everyone shares what happens then?

On the brighter side that could be a good thing, it does help the government block certain aspects which are bad.

.....In some cases the government isn't always right. Who then has the right to be the gatekeeper? 

Would the internet turn into a democracy where the people vote what is allowed in a country or culture?

Regardless i personally think cloud computing is already being used by us and soon will be more common in the future. 

Scarily enough though i am interested/curious/worried about the outcome in the future.

Remix Culture?? mix mix mix

What is Remix Culture?

In today's world so many things can be a remix however as an individual i specifically like how music has been affected because of remix.

For example Archie Supernova (Link) this particular song is an Electro house however the style of the song does have some asian influences in it (if one listens to it one will understand)

Remix culture is a society that allows and encourages derivative works by combining or editing existing materials to produce a new product. A remix culture would be, by default, permissive efforts to improve upon, change, integrate, or otherwise remix the work of copyright holders. In his book Remix, Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard law professor, presents this as a desirable idea. Progress and wealth creation of a culture is fundamentally tied to remixing.

Based on the text above a remix culture could be anything which is from any source, however i reckon humans because of their greed limit themselves to what can be shared when something gets remixed.

My example when it comes to music:

"Addictive" is a 2002 single recorded by Truth Hurts for Dr. Dre's Aftermath label. One of the label's few R&B hits, "Addictive" features a guest rap from Rakim, and is based around a Hindi music sample, which eventually brought on a $500 million lawsuit against Aftermath. The song was her only one to chart on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number nine, and selling over 600,000 copies in the US. It was also a top five hit in UK, France and Switzerland, and went gold in several countries.

Personally i think 500 million dollars is a bit much, nonetheless i do feel that we humans should be more acceptive towards remix culture. It is understandable that some remixes could be bad however there are the really good ones as well. The song addictive for example...I doubt that it would be as successful if the hindi sample was not included in the song.

Remix culture is as simple as working together and sharing ideas. When it comes to music one would realize each country and culture has different kinds of music and instruments and styles to offer. In the end isn't that what makes each individual different?

The point of remix culture is to share one idea/instrument/culture/style and combining another idea/style/culture to make something awesome.

Seriously it is as simple as 

  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Chicken chops and rice
  • Ice Cream and Soda
  • a band with a dj
  • a dj with an orchestra
In conclusion i think we humans should embrace the remix culture and rather than looking forward to suing each other how about instead we humans just make it easier to share with one another and enjoy what could be remixed.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Human search engines, the idea actually scares me and i have seen it being done before when i played World of Warcraft. It was not exactly like the example in China in class but it happened virtually. this link talks about what happened and is reminiscing about this incident which happened back in 2006.

This is the video : Serenity Now bombs a World of Warcraft funeral

So serenity is actually a guild ( group/team who got together to play the game)

I knew about them because of well the Human Search Engine within World of Warcraft. I now it is not exactly the same but i feel it is quite similar. The only difference is that the example we saw of the Human search engine happened in China. Whereas in this example the Human search engine happened in the land of Azeroth and the Eastern Kingdoms.

In this land of Azeroth what happened was this Guild (Serenity) did something heinous thing by killing a people whom were giving respects to a world of warcraft player who passed away. The community of World of Warcraft talked about it and what they did became viral (there was the video as well) people got to know whom they were and some even hated them. However most members of Serenity actually were happy for being notorious for what they did.

However there were also people who found them to be really despicable people. Nevertheless this incident happened in the game and when the "Human Search Engine" came into it only found out whom they were as in game characters rather than actual people.

Which makes me humans tend to be more forgiving if you did it online or is it because the individual had a mask to cover what they did? In the end i suppose its about concealing your true identity if you were about to do something ridiculous and not be caught by the Human Search Engines.

I suppose the people who did what they did in the world of warcraft did not have their "real identity" on their characters. Maybe that's why they actually dared to do such an act anyways.

I guess people have evil tendencies and would explore them if given the chance



Its come to week 4 and this time we were learning about the Arab Springs and how social media has impacted the country. The idea that media went viral from using handphones and social media sites intrigued me as well. I find it really interesting that so much change can happen just because of some normal folk going around showcasing to the world what they see just by using a simple tool which is their handphones. This takes journalism to a whole different level, i suppose nowadays anyone can be involved in journalism. In the end news should not be limited to what is seen in the media; what can be seen on television and what is seen actually could be 100% different. 

  1. Mainstream media is important and reaches most of the people around the world
  2. But is Mainstream media credible due to censorship?
  3. However is media from normal citizens credible as well?
  4. In the end each individual should not just jump the gun and make an assumption however by getting two sides of the story it does open people's eyes rather than just accepting what is being reported.
  5. Thanks to social media people get different opinions and ideas and a different conclusion

I personally like the perspective of the above link in regards to technology and the uprising in the Arab Spring. This is because of the censorship it rallied the young generation to want to start an uprising. I also like the quote "technology speeds things up" and for this case it really did. The idea of that the young generation would have just watched from the sidelines if the internet was not shut down really does make sense. However since the government shut down the internet this made the young people a reason to rise and go against the government. Like i mentioned before, if the government wanted to exercise censorship; they have to make sure its done properly and not backfired on them.


I remember this particular lecture in regards to Censorship in Asia. It does make me wonder about why it is implemented and what does it achieve when there is censorship. Lets see,

BBC Signals Outrage Over Malaysian 'Censorship' Of Bersih 3.0 Coverage! (Link)

I actually remember this, the boy who was being interviewed at 0.30 seconds into the video is actually my college mate (i wont give his name here just in case he gets into trouble, you never know) . I realize most of the parts which are censored are parts which would actually give an impact towards Malaysian viewers. However i remember i came across this particular piece of media from facebook. I can understand why the government would want to censor certain parts, I mean nobody likes their bad side to be shown in the media. I do wonder though, is censorship in the media good enough nowadays?

 I still managed to get this footage and now I am sharing it in my class and i am still exposed to it. It does make me think that the government has wasted its time in censoring the video. In fact i daresay that now it makes me think the government is actually scared. Personally i think the government should have not bothered to censor what was seen. This is because now when i think about it for this particular case censorship was used because they wanted to hide the peoples opinion.

  1. The actual media was censored
  2. The media was still available from other mediums
  3. This made me wonder, was the censorship successful?
  4. If they did want to censor the media they should have done it properlY
  5. Because now the media which was censored is accessible and now makes people realize that what they see is lies?
  6. Doesn't this make the whole reason of censorship pointless?

COMM2336 ASIAN CYBERCULTURES (Participation Self-Assessment Guide )

 These are the keywords I have chosen to conceptualize my experience in Asian Cyber Cultures Class however I am going to pick a few of these words to showcase of what I could expect from a personal point of view about this class.

  1. New: I would expect to experience something new in this course of course. I hope to see things and think about things that I would have never thought of. However I suppose the main idea would be about a whole “New Experience”.
  2. Modernization: The idea of how Asia and the rest of the world have progressed. To me the future is the present and now the present is the future, things, which were seen in television shows, are practically available now. What interests me about modernization is learning about how it has been a part of our lives from past to present and how it has been adapted.
  3. Media: Media since the past has always played an important role in our lives. When I think about media I wonder about how much of a role does media play in events that have happened or could have happened in today’s world.
  4. Advertising: Advertising has always been different around the world, however the goal was always the same. It was always meant to be used to sell and idea or an item to someone. I hope to learn how advertising has changed in today’s world and how it has evolved to suit different target markets.
  5. Culture: Since the subject is about Asian Cyber Cultures it does intrigue me to know about how every aspect of media/modernization/everything new affects each culture individually and how it is implemented.
  6. Implementation: Of course I would want to know how each culture implements cause and affects of what happens. How its used and why it happened and what happen when all of it get implemented.